
Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability, and security

For Privacy Awareness Week 2024, the Personal Data Protection Bureau, Macao SAR, China prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Privacy and technology: Improving transparency, accountability, and security.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.

Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)


Back to Basics – Privacy Foundations

For Privacy Awareness Week 2023, the Office for Personal Data Protection in Macao prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Back to Basics – Privacy Foundations.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.

Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)


Privacy the Foundation of Trust

For Privacy Awareness Week 2022, the Office for Personal Data Protection in Macao prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Privacy the Foundation of Trust.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.

Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Português (Portuguese)


Privacy the Foundation of Trust

As part of Privacy Awareness Week 2022, the Office for Personal Data Protection in Macao prepared a set of promotional videos on the theme of “Privacy the Foundation of Trust.” You can access the videos in two languages: English and Chinese below.




Make privacy a priority

For Privacy Awareness Week 2021, APPA created posters with the themes, “Make privacy a priority” and “Make data protection a priority”.

You can access print ready copies of the posters in JPG and PDF below.

Language JPG PDF
한국어 (Korean)
中文 (Chinese)
Español (Spanish)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
한국어 (Korean)
中文 (Chinese)
Español (Spanish)
Português (Portuguese)
Language JPG PDF
한국어 (Korean)
中文 (Chinese)
Español (Spanish)
Português (Portuguese)
한국어 (Korean)
Español (Spanish)
한국어 (Korean)
Español (Spanish)
한국어 (Korean)
Español (Spanish)


Protecting privacy is everybody’s responsibility

For Privacy Awareness Week 2019, APPA created a poster with our main theme: Protecting privacy is everybody’s responsibility.

You can access a print ready copy of the posters below, in both JPG and PDF.

Language JPG PDF
中文 (Chinese)
Français (French)
한국어 (Korean)
Português (Portuguese)
Español (Spanish)

#Privacy Matters

For Privacy Awareness Week 2015, APPA created a series of #Privacy Matters posters. The posters provide quick tips to help individuals protect themselves online.

You can access a print ready copy of the posters below, in both PDF and JPG.

Poster 1: I ask before I share because #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 2: Change your passwords regularly because #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 3: Nothing is private on social media so share safely. #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 4: I trust organisations that share safely. #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 5: Protect your privacy and share safely. #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 6: I un-tag when asked because #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 7: I share safely because #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 8: I value myself so I share safely. #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Poster 9: 9 or 90! #PrivacyMatters. Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong. APPA.

Protect your privacy on your mobile device

For Privacy Awareness Week 2014, APPA created a Protecting your privacy on your mobile device poster. The poster includes six tips on how you can protect your privacy when using mobile apps.

You can access a copy of the poster below. The poster is available in a number of formats, including GIF, PNG, JPG, PDF and press ready.

Text alternative: Protect your privacy on your mobile device

Protect your privacy on your mobile device

  • Beware untrusted apps
  • Clear out unused apps
  • Protect your device
  • Erase all apps before you recycle
  • Use anti-virus software
  • Avoid apps that leak your information

APPA (Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities)

Poster: Protect your privacy on your mobile device.
Mobile privacy poster GIF PNG JPG PDF Press ready PDF (CMYK)
Online (800×600)

Technology is changing

With countless advancements in technology, the way we think about personal information is changing. The Technology is changing infographic demonstrates how individuals and regulators across the Asia Pacific are taking steps to protect personal information.

With ever advancing and changing technology, what are you doing to protect your privacy?

The infographic has been translated into six different languages, including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Chinese and Korean. You can access a copy of the poster below in JPG and PDF format.

Text alternative: Technology is changing

Technology is changing…

  • Then: We wrote letters. Now: We send messages via social media.
  • Then: Business was done in person and in print. Now: Business is done online using our personal information.
  • Then: We stored information on a bookshelf. Now: We store information in the cloud.

… so are the privacy risks

  • 166,801 privacy complaints in Korea in 2011–12
  • 68% of 2012 internet privacy complaints were about social media and smartphone applications in Hong Kong
  • 30% increase in privacy investigations each year from 2007–12 in Macau
  • 78% of Australians have refused to provide personal information online
    • NT: 100% increase in time spent providing privacy advice from 2007–12
    • QLD: 86% of people think privacy is important when using or installing mobile apps
    • NSW: 300% increase in privacy enquiries from 2007–12
    • VIC: 33% of complaints in 2011–12 were about data security
  • 92% of Canadians say companies should ask permission to track them online
  • 88% increase in public education and outreach in British Columbia in 2011–12
  • $33.85M assessed in US for privacy violations in 2011–12
  • 65% of school children in Mexico learn about online privacy at school
  • 88% of New Zealanders say to punish business that misuse personal information

What are you doing to protect your privacy?

APPA (Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities)

Infographic: Technology is changing.
Language JPG PDF
Español (Spanish)
Français (French)
Português (Portuguese)
中文 (Chinese)
한국어 (Korean)

Privacy. Feeling lost online?

The following Privacy. Feeling lost online? poster was created to help parents and teachers understand the different online platforms, social media and web pages available to youth.

You can access a copy of the poster below in PDF.

Text alternative: Privacy. Feeling lost online?

Privacy. Feeling lost online?

An image of a maze, with the following words and logos on the walls:

  • cyberspace
  • sms
  • cyberspace
  • social networking
  • social media
  • cyberbullying
  • online
  • sexting
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Flickr
  • reddit
  • Facebook
  • Tumblr
  • Blogger
  • Google
  • WordPress
  • myspace

We’re here to help. There’s lots of advice available for young people, parents and teachers, but sometimes it’s hard to find what you need, when you need it.

Find your way to useful links and tips @

Office of the Victorian Privacy Commissioner

APPA (Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities)

PDF. Privacy. Feeling lost online?

Member Resources

Welcome to the secure Member Resources page. Please select a category below to view documents.


Privacy the Foundation of Trust

For Privacy Awareness Week 2022, the Office for Personal Data Collection in Macao prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Privacy the Foundation of Trust.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.


Privacy the Foundation of Trust

For Privacy Awareness Week 2022, the Office for Personal Data Collection in Macao prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Privacy the Foundation of Trust.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.


Privacy the Foundation of Trust

For Privacy Awareness Week 2022, the Office for Personal Data Collection in Macao prepared a set of promotional posters and videos on the theme of “Privacy the Foundation of Trust.” You can access the posters in three languages: Chinese, English and Portuguese, in JPG and PDF below.